FAQ No. 2 - Why Audio Transcription are Essential ?


As we know, that in Indian Courts case pendencies are in huge amount. Technology like video conferencing (V.C.) for court arguments, cross examination would not started, if there was no lockdown like situation..!


Read this article in Marathi Language


Point is that, Hon'ble Court's time is most valuable. And listening audio recordings are only seen in rare cases by Courts. And they may not prefer listening, prior to reading transcripts and they may listen only if they found merit in transcription.

Therefor giving transcription, is the easy path to understand Audio Evidence to Hon'ble Courts.


In our blog, two articles available on - how We do Transcriptions in our specialized formats, after doing thorough analysis of audio recordings.

1. {Information} on Specialized Format of Audio Transcription, please click this link here.
2. {Actual Explanation} on our transcription format, link is here.