Whatsapp Chats Presentation
With Easy Reading Table Format
Why Whatsapp Chats Presentation is necessary..?
As the Whatsapp chats are different kind of data, or we can say it is new aged data type. Why we mean this, because like photo, video or audio data that can be access by any device, multiple choice of softwares to open those files..!
In Whatsapp company's app only you can who requires to authenticate registration with OTP. And its requires a mobile device to standby your message threads. It is not like photo files, which can be open in a just 1 click and can check its content (evidence).
At the time of presentation, these standby available messages on (primary) device cannot be shown directly to Judge, as judges may not be familiar with this kind of process. And it is a foolish thing to submit a primary device directly to a Judge or any government authority like Police, Government Forensic staff, as it can be deleted or tampered during their chain of custody.
How re-present Whatsapp Chats and necessity of data backup.
A pre backup can ease you from this anxiety..! Precaution is better than cure..! Many people called us for Recovery whatsapp chats & other mobile data. Mobile data recovery is very costly and less chances of possibilities. In opposite, A backup procedure is very affordable. Whatsapp chats may not restore in original state, even a data recovery give reports in PDF but they cannot restore in original state. As we know, a computer text data like pdf can be manipulated as per demands.
We represent whatsapp data in a easy reading table format, attaching your printable media in sequence with giving reference page no. in next to in chat. Therefor your legal counsel can easily jump on particular page, i.e. your attachment of a photo or a pdf, this situation chats can be occur when somebody sent you or you sent somebody with media file attachments. Then you have to print those media files, such as images, pdf's, videos, voice clips etc. When there is Video or voice clips, then there would be Video Motion Testimony or transcription or both required to present it.
In additionally, to extend Court's trust on authenticity of whatsapp chat's genuineness, we give it slide by slide, a sets of screenshots of chats, with both ways (easy reading table format also).